Most communities are responsible for maintaining their own roadways. This is where our products can help. By preserving the roadways with preventative maintenance like Micro Surfacing, you can increase the lifespan of the roadways at 1/4 of the cost of milling and re-paving. Since most Communities don’t have funds saved each year Micro-Surfacing is an excellent alternative for preserving them.


Avila Country Club

Services: Micro-Surfacing

Elizabeth Sandifer, 16727 Valseca De Avila, Tampa, FL 33613| 813.949.9768


Queens Harbor Yacht & Club

Services: Micro-Surfacing

Frank Procter, 238 Queens Harbour Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32225 | 904.553.1362


Royal Pines HOA

Services: Micro-Surfacing

Dave Austin, 5 Esplanade Ave, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 | 904.278.3633